Uusi julkaisu: Adult Education and the Planetary Condition (eds. Harju & Heikkinen)

Uusi julkaisu: Adult Education and the Planetary Condition (eds. Harju & Heikkinen)

Edited by Aaro Harju and Anja Heikkinen


The traditional nation-state context of adult education research and practice is challenged by the consequences of globalization. Beside increased mobility and interaction across different borders, they include financial and economic, social and environmental crises at a global scale. The authors in this book discuss the transforming planetary condition of adult education from different perspectives: education policy, work life, learners and mobilization for sustainability. Although the contributions were initiated in the Nordic conference for adult education and learning in 2015, the contexts of discussion range from Europe to Asia, Latin-America and Africa.


Anja Heikkinen, Aaro Harju: Introduction: Why adult and planetary condition?

Education policy

Anders Breidlid, Indigenous knowledges and Western epistemology: the challenges of sustainable development in education in the global South

Karen Egedal Andreasen, Palle Rasmussen and Christian Ydesen, Guiding young adults at risk. Effects and challenges in the Danish welfare state

Johanna Lätti, Anja Heikkinen and Leena Lietzén, “The secluded and threatened Utopia” – transformation of Nordic equality politics facing global reality

Lorenz Lassnigg, Comparative political perspectives of adult education – subsuming to qualification and competence strategies or searching for new missions?

Joo-Hyun Park, Adult education, opportunity for higher education in Finland and Korea

Adult education and work life

Karin Filander, Tuula Heiskanen, Hanna Ylöstalo, Satu Kalliola and Heidi Kervinen, Moments of dialogue between theory and practice – several cases for reflection

Lisa Marie Lorenz and Steffi Robak, Interpersonal relationships in China – bridges for transnational adult education

Laura Seppänen and Jarno Riikonen, Learning interpretativeness for sustainability: exploring the self-confrontation method in robotic surgery

Elizabeth Opit and Perpetua Kalimasi, The impact of the political, economic and educational shigts on the gendered division of work in East-Africa from the 1960s to 2001

Adult learners

Alba G.A. Naccari, Bodily mediation for the ecological adult education

Vesa Korhonen, “In-between” different cultures: the integration experiences and future career expectations of international degree students studying in Finland

Mobilization for sustainability

Jenni Pätäri, Anja Heikkinen and Sini Teräsahde, Nordic or planetary responsibility in Finnish popular adult education research?

Lili-Ann Wolff, Adult education in an unsustainable era


AARO HARJU, Ph.D., is the Secretary General in Citizens´ Forum and a chair person in Finnish Adult Education Association. He has been an organization­al leader in the non-formal educational field and in NGOs for more than 30 years, and a chair person in FAEA nearly eight years. Aaro Harju is interested in education and training of people, and in the issues of civic participation, civic society, and deliberative democracy all through his career. He is the author of many books addressing civil society and association­al world, and he has also written a book on adult education. His expertise has benefited the work of many national committees and governmental work groups.

ANJA HEIKKINEN is Professor of education in the School of Education, University of Tampere, Fin­land. Her research has focused on transformation of vocational and adult education, from historical and cross-cultural perspective, often with view on sex-distinctions and equality. She has been active in national and international research projects, as­sociations and networks of vocational and adult education, and of history of education, and has coor­dinated the research network Vocational Education and Culture since early 1990s. She is currently en­gaged in projects like Freedom and Responsibility in Popular Adult Education, Promoting Regional Well­being through Adult and Vocational Education, and chairing the research group Equality and Planetary Justice in Adult, Vocational and Higher Education.

Adult Education and the Planetary Condition

  • Editors: Aaro Harju & Anja Heikkinen
  • Peer-reviewed, open access-book, published in 2016 by Finnish Adult Education Association (www.sivistystyo.fi) and Freedom and Responsibility of Popular Adult Education programme (www.vapausjavastuu.fi)
  • Layout by Marika Kaarlela
  • ISBN: 978-952-5349-27-6 (pdf)
  • ISBN: 978-952-5349-28-3 (printed)

Pdf-versions can be downloaded from publishers’ website.

Copyright © 2016 by Aaro Harju, Anja Heikkinen and contributors.
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.


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