6th Nordic Conference on Adult Education & Learning: Call for Papers 12.12.
Tervetuloa yhteispohjoismaiseen aikuiskasvatusalan konferenssiin Tampereelle!
Konferenssin teemana Adult Education and the Planetary Condition.
Tutustu ohjelmaan oheisesta liitteestä tai konferenssisivustolta.
Lähetä abstraktisi 15.11. mennessä (ohjeet löytyvät konferenssisivulta).
* Huom. Abstraktien jättöpäivää on jatkettu 12.12. asti. Ehdit siis vielä hyvin mukaan!*
Welcome to the 6th Nordic adult education conference!
Attached find the call for the 6th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning to be held in Finland, University of Tampere 25.-28.3.2015.
Conference theme: Adult Education and the Planetary Condition
CFP: Deadline 12.12.2014 (new updated deadline).
Feel free to forward the message to your own networks!
Lili-Ann Wolff
Docent/Adjunct Professor
University of Helsinki
”Would you change just because I asked you to?”
How to engage adults in different learning contexts (formally and informally, also work places) in sustainability actions without making them feel guilty or forced to change. Theories and examples.
Anders Breidlid
Professor, PhD
Faculty of Education and International Studies
Master Programme in Multicultural and international Education
Oslo University College
(Adult) education, indigenous knowledges and Western epistemology: the challenges of sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.