Perspectives on Nordic Popular Education
Ilmoittautumiset: 15.11. mennessä
Järjestäjä: University of Gothenburg, Department of Education, Communication and Learning
Kuvaus: The course aims to provide an introduction to Nordic popular education as a research field in order to develop and deepen the theoretical and methodological traditions of various empirical studies. The course covers texts on popular education in a broad sense. Through lectures, seminars, group work, and individual studies, various ways of analyzing, understanding, and critically relating to empirical studies are highlighted, with these studies also being examined from epistemological and ethical perspectives.
Kohderyhmä: The course is aimed at PhD students in the social sciences and humanities with an interest in Nordic popular adult education (Nordic Bildung) in a broad sense. Participants will have the opportunity to present papers connected to their own dissertation work, but the course can also be taken as an empirical, theoretical, or philosophical orientation in areas such as Bildung, popular adult education, and adult learning.
(Kuva: University of Gothenburg, Johan Wingborg)