Julkaisutiedote: The Nordic Folk High School Teacher

Julkaisutiedote: The Nordic Folk High School Teacher

Elokuussa 2023 on ilmestynyt yhteispohjoismainen antologia kansanopistopedagogiikasta ja -opettajuudesta. The Nordic Folk High School Teacher: Identity, Work and Education -teoksen ovat toimittaneet Johan Lövgren, Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard, Rasmus Kolby Rahbek ja Anders Hallqvist. Suomalaista kansanopistonäkökulmaa teokseen tuovat Jyrki Ijäs artikkeleillaan ”Pedagogical studies for adult educators – An expedition into your own teaching philosophy” ja ”Should the state certify folk high school teachers? Historical development of teacher training in Finland” sekä Elina Nivala, Juha Hämäläinen ja Tytti Pantsar artikkelillaan ”Social pedagogical counselling as a framework for folk high school teachers”.

Teos on luettavissa avoimesti verkossa sen julkaisijan Lit Verlagin verkkosivulla, josta teosta voi myös ostaa.

This anthology presents the Nordic folk high school teacher through thirteen research articles combined under three themes: identity, work, and education, each part capped by overarching summary chapters. The folk high schools are given a central role in the democratic development of the Nordic region and are described as a significant influence on adult education globally, but there have been few regional research projects describing the schools. The inclusion of research covering five Nordic countries in a peer reviewed anthology makes this publication a unique portrayal, both of the schools’ common identity and their national variations.


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