Anja Heikkinen & Nasrin Jahan Jinia (Eds) 2023. Environmental Care and Social Progress – (Im)possible connection? Osder Publications
“The book presents the recent acceleration of human-introduced impact on Earth, which challenges the conceptual and theoretical frameworks of all disciplines and their relations. This is especially true in the exclusively human, society and culture-centered social, human, and educational sciences, and political agendas they promote. The book’s authors problematize their dependence on the concept of development – as sustainable development or green industries – in education, governance, politics and technology, and their isolation from natural sciences.
Although the book is aimed at an academic audience, it also opens to the general reader. It makes visible the contradictions of environmental care and social progress between the Global South and North credibly and authentically.”
Mukaan julkistustilaisuuteen?
Kirjan julkistustilaisuus järjestetään Bangladeshissä People-planet relationship, for peace and prosperity-konferenssin yhteydessä. Kiinnostuneet voivat tiedustella mahdollisuutta etäosallistumiseen.
Online launching event
A launching event will take place in Bangladesh at the People-planet relationship, for peace and prosperity-conference. Those who are interested in attending can inquire about online participation (see https://netinsearch.com/).
Contact: Anja Heikkinen (anja.heikkinen(at)tuni.fi)
(Banner-kuva: Noah Buscher, Unsplash)